Web developer  -  creating  professional sites that perform well in search engine rankings  and are logical, visually appealing  and user friendly, both in front end and server side. Crisp Web design for sites that will bring you new business.

web developer more traffic

A good web developer needs to fully understand the clients business creating the a web platform that can deliver on expectations.
For most websites a web developer no longer needs to create the entire frame work for a site from the ground up. There are hundreds of open source  and commercial platforms and web applications that are suited of to most industries. The web developer will review solutions available and  select or recommend  options best suited. Web developer will often have to customise script or code to get the perfect solution if off the shelf products are lacking.

Websites by crips web developer

Web developer skills
A web developer needs a good understanding of web development or programing scripts or code, for coding and modifying websites, Html, PHP, CSS, java and database management are essential to create  visually appealing sites that feature user-friendly design and clear navigation.

web development code

Open source platforms of choice for building content management sites Wordpress, Joomla and Drupal
Wordpress being the easiest and Drupal the most difficult  and requiring more coding , Joomla has a good middle ground and more flexible than Wordpress and powerful enough to suit most applications.
All of the CMS have good community support and add on plugins or extensions .
As a web developer Joomla offers the best solutions for most website applications .
Every Web Developer will say there CMS system of choice is the best at the end of the day which one suits your application requirements the best should be the deciding fact.

Joomal Website Design Johannesburg    Wordpress Website Design Johannesburgdrupal

Contact our Web Developer for a Joomla or Wordpress site.
Once our web developer has created your CMS website the basic maintenance and updating can easily be done by the client.

worpress vs joomla vs drupal


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